One Way Vision Glass Sticker Price in BD


One Way Vision Glass Sticker Price in Bangladesh. One-way vision glass stickers, also known as perforated window films, are innovative materials that allow vision from one side while presenting an opaque surface from the other side. These stickers are commonly used for advertising, privacy, and decorative purposes on glass windows and doors. The magic lies in the micro punctures that make up the material, enabling light to pass through while creating a visually appealing design.

Best One Way Vision Glass Sticker Price in BD

One Way Vision Glass Sticker Price in BD. One Way Vision Glass Sticker Price in Bangladesh. One-way vision glass stickers, also known as perforated window films, are innovative materials that allow vision from one side while presenting an opaque surface from the other side. These stickers are commonly used for advertising, privacy, and decorative purposes on glass windows and doors. The magic lies in the micro punctures that make up the material, enabling light to pass through while creating a visually appealing design.

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Benefits of One Way Vision Glass Stickers


One of the primary advantages of using one-way vision glass stickers is privacy. These stickers allow you to see outside while preventing those on the outside from seeing in. This makes them an ideal solution for office spaces, commercial buildings, and residential properties where privacy is paramount. One Way Vision Glass Sticker Price in BD.

Advertising and Branding Opportunities

One-way vision glass stickers serve as excellent advertising tools. Businesses can utilize them to display promotions, brand logos, and product images on their storefront windows. This not only enhances visibility but also adds a professional touch to the establishment.


UV Protection

Quality one-way vision glass stickers come with UV protection properties, shielding interiors from harmful ultraviolet rays. This helps in preserving furniture, carpets, and other interior elements from fading or damage caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight.


Temperature Regulation

Another benefit of one-way vision glass stickers is their ability to regulate temperature indoors. By reducing the amount of sunlight entering the space, these stickers help in maintaining a comfortable environment, especially during hot summer months.

Factors Affecting One Way Vision Glass Sticker Prices

Several factors influence the pricing of one-way vision glass stickers:

Size and Dimensions

The size and dimensions of the stickers play a significant role in determining the price. Larger stickers require more material and labor for installation, hence costing more than smaller ones.

One Way Vision Glass Sticker Print

Design Complexity

Complex designs or custom graphics may incur additional costs. Intricate patterns or detailed branding elements may require specialized printing techniques, impacting the overall price.

One Way Vision Glass Sticker Print
One Way Vision Glass Sticker Print

Installation Process

Professional installation services may come with added expenses. However, opting for DIY installation can save money but may require additional tools and expertise.

Quality of Materials

The quality of the materials used also affects the price. High-quality one-way vision glass stickers with durable adhesives and UV-resistant properties tend to be more expensive but offer better longevity and performance.

One Way Vision Per Sft in Bangladesh

Average Price Range in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the price of one-way vision glass stickers varies depending on the size, design, and quality. On average, prices can range from BDT 150 to BDT 800 per square foot. However, prices may differ based on market demand, supplier rates, and additional services included in the package.

Comparatively, the prices in Bangladesh are relatively lower compared to other countries, making it an affordable option for businesses and homeowners alike.

One Way Vision Sticker

Where to Buy One Way Vision Glass Stickers in Bangladesh

Local Vendors

Numerous local vendors across Bangladesh offer one-way vision glass stickers. These vendors can be found in hardware stores, signage shops, and specialty printing outlets. Customers can visit these vendors in person to view samples and discuss their requirements.

One Way Vision Per Sft in Bangladesh
One Way Vision Per Sft in Bangladesh

Online Suppliers

Alternatively, many online suppliers and e-commerce platforms in Bangladesh sell one-way vision glass stickers. Customers can browse through a wide range of options, compare prices, and place orders conveniently from the comfort of their homes.

Tips for Choosing the Right One Way Vision Glass Stickers

wholesale one way vision sticker price in bangladesh

Assessing Your Needs

Before purchasing one-way vision glass stickers, it’s essential to assess your specific needs and requirements. Consider factors such as intended use, location, and design preferences to ensure you select the most suitable option.

Quality Considerations

Invest in high-quality stickers that offer durability, UV protection, and weather resistance. Quality materials ensure long-lasting performance and maintain the integrity of the design over time.

Budget Constraints

While quality is crucial, it’s also essential to consider your budget constraints. Look for options that strike a balance between quality and affordability, ensuring you get the best value for your money.

DIY vs. Professional Installation

Pros and Cons

DIY installation offers cost savings and flexibility but requires careful attention to detail and proper application techniques. On the other hand, professional installation guarantees precision and expertise but may incur additional expenses.

Cost Implications

Factor in the cost of installation when budgeting for one-way vision glass stickers. Compare quotes from different installers and weigh the benefits of professional installation against the associated costs.

Maintenance and Care

Cleaning Procedures

Maintaining one-way vision glass stickers is relatively easy. Simply wipe the surface with a mild detergent solution and a soft cloth to remove dust and dirt. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or sharp objects that could damage the material.

Longevity of Stickers

With proper care and maintenance, one-way vision glass stickers can last for several years. Regular cleaning and occasional inspection for signs of wear or damage can help extend their lifespan and ensure continued performance.


One-way vision glass stickers offer a versatile solution for privacy, advertising, and decorative purposes in Bangladesh. With a range of benefits and affordable pricing, these stickers are becoming increasingly popular among businesses and homeowners. By understanding the factors influencing prices and choosing the right stickers for your needs, you can enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your space.


  1. Are one-way vision glass stickers legal in Bangladesh?
    • Yes, one-way vision glass stickers are legal in Bangladesh and widely used for various applications.
  2. Can one-way vision stickers be removed easily?
    • Yes, one-way vision stickers can be removed relatively easily without causing damage to the glass surface.
  3. Do these stickers obstruct the view from inside?
    • No, one-way vision stickers allow for clear visibility from the inside while providing privacy from the outside.
  4. How long do one-way vision stickers last?
    • With proper care and maintenance, one
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